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archive head spider 2006_January 2006_January_02_1

First Bullfrog of the New Year this Thursday (5th) - Derrin Nauendorf!!!!

Happy New Year to you all!!!! I hope, to quote Elvis you  had a Blue Xmas 
(but in the best sense of the word) , and that you'll all be  raring to go to see 
some top class blues artistes at the Bullfrog. 
Our first gig if the year is a "must see", with the great  Derrin Naeuendorf 
returning to The Bullfrog. This man is one of the most  innovative guitarists 
you'll ever see; shades of an  Australian version Ben Andrews at times, but 
very much his own man. His  music is  a melting pot of roots influences - 
unique, and  extremely moving, featuring  flurrying guitar notes, cutting lyrics and 
 powerful dynamic delivery.  
Derrin  blew everyone away at the blues day at last  year's Southsea Folk & 
Roots Festival - in particular, his version of  Dylan's "Hollis Brown" was 
Derrin  first picked up a guitar at school in  Australia, and he was soon 
playing in rock and blues  bands -  by the age of 21 he had undertaken his first 
U.S tour.  However, as his taste for melody and lyrics matured, he was drawn  
into roots and acoustic music, and  in 1999  released  his  first CD,  the  
highly acclaimed  `Natural`.   
Derrin's  live show has won over fans, peers and  critics alike, and he's 
become a main stage act at festivals in  Europe, UK and also his native 
Australia. Playing in excess of   250 shows a year, Derrin's  gained a very strong 
following of hardcore  supporters who have been known to drive up to five hours to 
catch a show.  
Make sure you bring an extra few quid with you Thursday  to buy one of his 
CD's - you'll kick yourself if you don't..... 
See you at The Bullfrog on South Parade Pier this  Thursday! Doors open at 8 
p.m. as usual.